开发者曾打造过的游戏:帝国时代(Age of Empires)、光环战争(Halo Wars)、Words With Friends、Lucky’s Tale
预计发布日期:2025 年第三季度(抢先体验)
融资总额:已从 Paradigm, Griffin, Playful Studios, Sabrina Hahn 处融资 4600 万美元
创世 NFT 系列:以太坊上的 Wildpass
团队规模:35+ 人(全职员工 + 外包/合同工)
Wildcard 是一个全新的游戏和 IP,历经 7 年开发,至今已投入 超过 5000 万美元。
游戏的核心理念源自我们在 《帝国时代》(Age of Empires)和《光环战争》(Halo Wars) 等 实时战略游戏 方面的开发经验。Wildcard 继承了这些经典游戏的核心理念——“易于上手,但需要长时间精通”,这正是它们能成为 经久不衰的游戏 的关键。
作为一支经验丰富的开发团队,我们深知,我们最重要、也是最具挑战性的工作是:打造一款受玩家喜爱、平衡性良好、能够长期运营的核心游戏。我们相信,这需要 持之以恒的打磨、不断的优化迭代,但最重要的是,对游戏质量和乐趣的执着追求。
Wildcard 的魅力在于 人群的欢呼声。当你的 冠军(Champion) 走进竞技场,比赛即将开始时,那种 紧张的兴奋感,以及比赛过程中 观众的呐喊、惋惜和惊叹,构成了 Wildcard 的独特体验。
你支持谁?是 公主 Neva,她打破了世代相传的皇室传统,成为 Wildcard 史上第一位 Chronian 女冠军?还是 Bolgar,那位饱经风霜、热爱自然的老兵,他带着一群忠诚的森林生物并肩作战?
当你在 Wildcard 的世界中找到自己的归属时,你不仅仅是在玩一款游戏,而是加入了一段 历史……一个 传统……一种在整个宇宙中,以无数种方式、无数次进行过的竞技……当你踏入竞技场的那一刻,这一切都会变得无比熟悉,就像回到了家。
像 Wildcard 这样的竞技游戏,其价值源于 选手、内容创作者和社区的共同参与,无论是在游戏内还是游戏外。这些成功游戏所围绕的 注意力经济和互动经济,往往能带来 数亿美元的额外收入。
Wildcard 代币($WC)将这些 价值层 带上区块链,为其提供更多 流动性 和 娱乐性。在我们看来,游戏代币应该存在于支持游戏的生态系统中,而不是仅仅局限在游戏场上。$WC 并不直接影响游戏玩法,而是作为一个 流通于 Wildcard 生态系统的代币,用于奖励、预测和竞技。
$WC 经济系统融合了 策略、所有权和竞争,创造了一种 互动体验,让持有者可以 质押、预测,并争夺 Wildcard 宇宙中的顶级奖励。
过去,许多游戏的代币经济模型(Tokenomics)是 团队/投资者与社区之间的零和博弈,但这种时代已经过去了。
$WC 代币通过推动 Wildcard 游戏和 IP 的网络效应,让 Wildcard Alliance 团队和投资者 受益,而不是通过传统的 团队和投资者预留份额。这种方式 直接提升游戏的核心关键指标(用户触达、留存、营收),并确保整个生态系统的长期健康发展。
Wildcard 旨在 设定全新的游戏代币经济标准,因此我们决定将 100% 的 $WC 供应量分配给 Wildcard 社区成员,确保所有激励机制 完全对齐。
ERC-20 代币,代号:$WC
总供应量:88,888,888 枚
初始溯源空投:17,800,000 枚(占总供应量 20%)
100% 由社区持有(无团队/投资者预留):
注意:约 10% 的社区代币将用于初始流动性池,以支持代币在交易开放后的健康发展。
Wildclash 是一场 横跨整个星系的持续性竞技,由 Wildcard 宇宙中的八大派系(Houses) 进行对抗。
同时,它也是 $WC 持有者的 策略竞技场,玩家可以 质押和消耗 $WC 来参与这场关于 政治、权力和财富 的游戏。
玩家可以 质押 $WC 选择一个派系(House),影响其 实力和阵容。
派系的最终排名将决定它们在 赛季终极奖励池(Wildprize) 中的 分配比例。
当赛季结束时,各派系的最终排名 将决定其 从 Wildprize(赛季终极奖励池)中获得的 $WC 份额。这个奖励池的资金来源包括 Wildclash 竞赛和 Wildcard 核心游戏的玩家消费。
Wildcard 宇宙围绕着 Wildcard 这项竞技运动展开。这是一项 古老的竞技赛事,自远古时代以来一直存在,并成为这个宇宙中无数人的 生活方式。
就像现实世界中的主流体育赛事一样,Wildcard 也吸引了大量有抱负的组织(Organizations),他们希望在这项经久不衰的运动中建立自己的商业帝国。
Wildcard Organizations(Wildorgs) 是 玩家拥有的虚拟组织,在 Wildcard 宇宙中争夺 经济霸主地位。
这些组织由 $WC 持有者和社区管理,并且拥有自己的 经济、影响力和竞争目标。
Wildorgs 并不直接参与比赛,而是类似于 俱乐部或战队管理,玩家可以在 Wildcard 生态中经营自己的 Wildorg。
Wildcard 的竞技场和赛场不仅仅属于选手,Wildorg 也扮演着关键角色。对于那些 更喜欢策略、管理和经济玩法 的玩家来说,Wildorg 模式提供了一个同样充满竞争和乐趣的游戏体验。
只有最忠诚的 $WC 持有者(或社区)才能获得创建 Wildorg 的资格。如果你对 Wildorg 感兴趣,欢迎联系我们。
$WC 代币将在 Wildcard 赛季前活动(Pre-Season Campaign)期间逐步分发,共分为 三个阶段:
赛季前启动(Pre-Season Kickoff)
通过 溯源空投(Retroactive Airdrop) 向 Wildcard 的早期核心社区成员发放 总供应量的 20%。
这部分空投旨在 奖励最早期的支持者,包括 Wildpass 持有者、长期贡献者等。
赛季前活动(Pre-Season Campaign)
在 Thousands.tv 平台上举办一系列 Wildcard 竞技表演赛(Exhibition Events)。
玩家可通过 观看比赛、参与互动和持有资产 来获得 $WC 奖励。
赛季前决战(Pre-Season Finale)
庆祝 Wildcard 进入 Early Access(抢先体验),并向 帮助游戏走到这一步的玩家和社区成员致敬。
100% $WC 代币将在此阶段完全分发,届时代币交易将正式开放。
这一 公平、透明 的分发模式,确保 $WC 代币不会被私募投资者或团队所控制,而是完全交由 Wildcard 社区持有和使用。
During the span of the Wildcard Exhibition Series, $WC will be distributed via a unique airdrop mechanism called "Airlock."
Airlocked tokens are standard ERC20 tokens with a twist: token trading is initially disabled, until the airlock is opened. This helps ensure Airlocked tokens generate sufficient awareness and liquidity before they become tradable, helping to support a healthy launch and a thriving holder community.
Airlocked tokens will be distributed via the Thousands Network and Thousands.tv Platform. Eligible users who tune in to attend Wildcard exhibition series on Thousands - not only as players, but also as viewers and fans! - will be awarded $WC tokens based on their engagement and participation.
The Genesis Wildpass, Wildcard's most valuable NFT collectible, will continue to play a crucial role (even after the initial $WC Airdrop Distribution) thanks to specific, ongoing utility both in-game and onchain. This persistent utility helps distinguish the Wildpass as the evergreen asset in the Wildcard ecosystem, with benefits that cross-over with (amplify) $WC token ownership, designed to appeal to users who are truly dedicated to becoming long-term members of the Wildcard community.
Eligible for future snapshots and airdrops, including Full Spectrum benefits
Elevated ("skip the line") access to Thousands.tv streams and other live events
Holder rewards distributed during Wildcard Exhibition Games
"Forever battlepass" access within the Wildcard game
Automatic whitelist for any future Wildcard-related collections and assets
$WC implements a sustainable and transparent liquidity model, specifically designed to support a healthy token launch and sustain ongoing engagement:
Tokens remain non-transferable until fully distributed (the conclusion of the Airlock Phase)
Trading unlocks once distribution is complete, coinciding with the release of Wildcard into Steam Early Access
Initial liquidity pools are funded by revenue from user spend
Liquidity scales in proportion to player activity (including the $WC Meta Game)
During the Wildcard Exhibition Series campaign, the Wildcard Alliance will leverage the unique features of the Wildcard core game, $WC Token, and the Thousands.tv Platform to reward high affiliation users. These are the users who demonstrate their loyalty, commitment, and fandom to Wildcard by becoming engaged, long-term members of the Wildcard community (including competitors, creators, viewers, and yes even speculators!)
At the heart of this campaign is the Wildcard Exhibition Series. Signature events, broadcast exclusively via the Thousands.tv platform, where $WC rewards are airdropped after every event.
The Wildcard Exhibition Series features:
Top competitors, content creators, and teams getting an early start on their Wildcard careers
Dynamic Referees airdropping* $WC to the most engaged fans during every match
Community leaderboards, with bonus $WC rewarded to the most active participants
* Wildcard Referees are AI-driven personalities that attend every Wildcard match, and pay close attention to how fans engage, chat, rally, and cheer for their favorite players and teams. At the conclusion of every match, Referees make "calls" to distribute $WC rewards based on a variety of factors that evolve from game to game!
Where will the token be listed? Details about token listing will be shared closer to when the token becomes tradable.
Will NFTs affect gameplay? No.
Can users earn tokens from the game directly? (Is there a P2E campaign?) No.
I didn’t migrate my Wildpass to ETH, did I miss out on the initial airdrop? ALL Wildpasses, whether on ETH or Polygon, participated in the initial airdrop.
How do I earn more $WC? $WC is distributed exclusively to eligible participants at Wildcard Exhibition Series Events on Thousands.tv.
How many events can I earn $WC at? Exhibition Series events will take place weekly beginning in March 2025, and we anticipate increasing the cadence of events as we welcome more spectators to the Wildcard universe.
Why can’t I trade my $WC? $WC is “airlocked” during the distribution phase, expected to last several months. This approach creates visibility and robust distribution for $WC ahead of trading availability.
Where is my $WC? $WC tokens were airdropped on the Base network to the same Ethereum or Polygon wallet where you hold your Wildpass(es). Since $WC is a new token, most wallets require you to manually import it before it becomes visible. To do this:
First, be wary of scams
Switch your wallet to the Base network
Look for an "import tokens" option in your wallet's interface
Use the $WC contract address: 0x4c462Eb3DE6b30Fd9deca1f8aa5F6bfC4f879056
The exact import process may vary slightly depending on your wallet
Does my Polygon Wildpass get to skip the queue during live events? No. Only ETH Wildpasses get to skip the queue. So get yours migrated! Here is the migration link: https://migration.wildcardgame.com/ (we pay for gas!).
The information in this Wildpaper is subject to change. Any statements about future events or performance are based on our current expectations and may not be accurate. Acquisition and use of Wildcard digital assets is subject to terms and conditions.
This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any tokens or other digital asset. The digital assets described herein are not intended to be securities or investments, and no guarantees are made regarding their future value or utility. Potential buyers should not interpret this whitepaper as financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with professional advisors before making any decisions based on this information.
The $WC token represents an innovative blueprint for fair token launches, establishing a community-centric approach that aligns incentives between game publishers and the players, creators, and communities that drive their success.
By implementing equitable distribution, sustainable liquidity, and engaging utility mechanisms, $WC creates a token economy that rewards genuine participation while solving common issues in token launches such as insider advantage, market manipulation, and rug pulls.
The Wildcard Alliance is here to set a new standard for integrating web2 and web3 players and communities, benefitting all those who play, attend, and participate.
We look forward to seeing you in the arena!