$WC 代币将在 Wildcard 赛季前活动(Pre-Season Campaign)期间逐步分发,共分为 三个阶段:
赛季前启动(Pre-Season Kickoff)
通过 溯源空投(Retroactive Airdrop) 向 Wildcard 的早期核心社区成员发放 总供应量的 20%。
这部分空投旨在 奖励最早期的支持者,包括 Wildpass 持有者、长期贡献者等。
赛季前活动(Pre-Season Campaign)
在 Thousands.tv 平台上举办一系列 Wildcard 竞技表演赛(Exhibition Events)。
玩家可通过 观看比赛、参与互动和持有资产 来获得 $WC 奖励。
赛季前决战(Pre-Season Finale)
庆祝 Wildcard 进入 Early Access(抢先体验),并向 帮助游戏走到这一步的玩家和社区成员致敬。
100% $WC 代币将在此阶段完全分发,届时代币交易将正式开放。
这一 公平、透明 的分发模式,确保 $WC 代币不会被私募投资者或团队所控制,而是完全交由 Wildcard 社区持有和使用。
During the span of the Wildcard Exhibition Series, $WC will be distributed via a unique airdrop mechanism called "Airlock."
Airlocked tokens are standard ERC20 tokens with a twist: token trading is initially disabled, until the airlock is opened. This helps ensure Airlocked tokens generate sufficient awareness and liquidity before they become tradable, helping to support a healthy launch and a thriving holder community.
Airlocked tokens will be distributed via the Thousands Network and Thousands.tv Platform. Eligible users who tune in to attend Wildcard exhibition series on Thousands - not only as players, but also as viewers and fans! - will be awarded $WC tokens based on their engagement and participation.
During the Wildcard Exhibition Series campaign, the Wildcard Alliance will leverage the unique features of the Wildcard core game, $WC Token, and the Thousands.tv Platform to reward high affiliation users. These are the users who demonstrate their loyalty, commitment, and fandom to Wildcard by becoming engaged, long-term members of the Wildcard community (including competitors, creators, viewers, and yes even speculators!)
At the heart of this campaign is the Wildcard Exhibition Series. Signature events, broadcast exclusively via the Thousands.tv platform, where $WC rewards are airdropped after every event.
The Wildcard Exhibition Series features:
Top competitors, content creators, and teams getting an early start on their Wildcard careers
Dynamic Referees airdropping* $WC to the most engaged fans during every match
Community leaderboards, with bonus $WC rewarded to the most active participants
* Wildcard Referees are AI-driven personalities that attend every Wildcard match, and pay close attention to how fans engage, chat, rally, and cheer for their favorite players and teams. At the conclusion of every match, Referees make "calls" to distribute $WC rewards based on a variety of factors that evolve from game to game!